Blog Post #8

Ways that Geospatial visualization improves the way historians engage with perspectives and integrate diverse sources of evidence. By overlaying historical maps with geological data, or satellite imagery, researchers can contextualize human activity within broader environmental contexts. With geospatial visualization, it will bring in more information about the natural environment  and how society has functioned over the many years. Especially with new technology, it will be easier to document natural occurrences happening around the world.  Including, tracking the migrant history connecting it to climate disasters. 

  Another factor that geospatial visualization can impact how we look at the past would be the functionality of past society. Including the waste system, education, and trade.

Geospatial visualization can help historians by making historical data more accessible and interactive.Digital platforms and mapping tools allow historians to share their research findings with a wider audience and have  public engagement with  scholars, educators, and the public that are interested.

With the help of Geospatial visualization show the possible correlations and patterns that cannot always be apparent through normal text analysis. It can almost be considered as a guide to the right direction.




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