Project Outline

Final Project Outline

Subject:  The History of the Female Samurai: Onna-Bugeisha course over the war


  • Home page( introduction)
  • Class system of the women in early japan
  • Famous women of Onna-bugeisha
  • Post-war Japan
  • About Page
  • Porfolio (will include timeline)

Header:   The History of the Female Samurai: Onna Bugeisha course over the war


Possible Images shown in click-able shots that lead to information(Slide show?)

  • Research Question: How has the past involvement of the Onna-Bugeisha women throughout the war impacted the social structure in Japan? How different were the gender norms?
  •  Brief overview→

Second page

The class system of the Onna-bugeisha women

Women were expected to be well educated in marital arts and have great knowledge in literature.

Third page

Famous women of the Onna-bugiesha group

Exemplary women who fought in Japan feudal wars. An example is Nakano Takeo

Will give more detail about her life and what she did during the Boshin War.

Fourth Page

Post-War Japan (Menji Restoration)

Implication of war placed on the women in Japan

As well include how the social and gender roles placed in current japan


Will include timeline


About Page

– will include citations of sources